Информационный женский портал

Материал на тему: Сценарий сказки на английском языке "Пиноккио". Сказка Карло Коллоди - Pinocchio (Пиноккио) на английском языке


Characters: Geppetto, Pinocchio, Boy, girl with the blue Hair, Harlequin , Punchinello, showman, Cat, Fox, Monkey, Parrot , Medoro.

Scene 1

(Джепето сидит за столом в своей каморке и вырезает из полено куклу).

Geppeto: What name shall I give him? I think I`ll give him the name of Pinocchio. It`s a very nice name. First the puppet`s hair! Then i`ll make his head and then his eyes (напевает).

I have two eyes and I can see.

A book and a pen in front of me.

I see the window and the door,

I see the ceiling and the floor.

The eyes are ready. But they are looking at me! I`ll go on with my work. Now his nose. But it`s strange. This puppet wants a long nose. Well, i`ll make the body, then the arms and the hands. And now i`ll teach him to walk.

Pinocchio: That`s splendid. I`m ready (учиться ходить).

Geppetto: One, two, one, two.

Pinocchio: What must I do?

Geppetto: Three, four, three, four.

Pinocchio: Close the door.

Geppetto: Five, six, five, six.

Pinocchio: Look at the chiks.

Geppetto: Seven, eight, seven, eight.

Pinocchio: Put the plate.

Geppetto: Nine, ten.

Pinocchio:By our fat hen.

Bye-bye, father! One, two, one, two.

Geppetto: Stop him, stop him (поет).

Stop! Look! Listen!

Before you cross the street,

Use your eyes, use your ears,

And then use your feet.

Scene 2

(Пиноккио бежит по улице )


What are little boys made of?

Frogs and snails and little dog`s tails,

That`s what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and ice and all things nice,

That`s what girls are made of.

But I am made of wood. It seems to me it`s drizzling. Where is my papa? Where is my papa? Pa-pa! Pa-pa! What shall I do? It`s very cold. There is not even a dog in the street.

Geppetto: Oh, little boy. Where are you?

Pinocchio: Here I am. I want to show you that I am a good boy. Tomorrow, tomorrow I`ll go to school.

Geppetto: Good boy.

Pinocchio: But I must have some clothes.

Geppetto: Here they are.

Pinocchio:I look like a gentleman now.

Geppetto: Yes, you do. But you should know this: it is not good clothes but clean clothes that make the gentleman.

Pinocchio: Papa, I can`t go to school: I have no school-book.

Geppetto: My boy, wait a little, I`ll be back in minute.(Уходит)

Pinocchio: Well, I like to sing (Поет песню «What are little boys made of? ». Вскоре Джепето возвращается). Where is your coat, Papa? It`s very cold today.

Geppetto: I sold it because it was too warm for me. Take the school-book and go to school, my dear boy.(Джепето и Пиноккио вместе поют.)

You shall have a fishy on a little dishy,

You shall have a fishy, when the boat comes in.

Dance to your daddy, my little laddie,

Dance to your daddy, my little lamb.

Pinocchio: Tomorrow I`ll learn to write,

To read and to count. When I know how to read, write and count, I`ll begin to work. I`ll soon have a lot of money. I`ll begin to wark. I`ll soon have a lot of money. I`ll buy a beautiful new coat for my papa. He is so kind to me. He sold his coat and bought a school-book for me. I`ll be kind to him too. (Утро. Часы на сцене бьют семь раз.)

Geppetto: Get up, Pinocchio! Time to go to school. Take your school-book and good luck!

Pinocchio: Good bye, Papa.

Scene 3

(На переднем плане вывеска «Great Puppet Theatre». Слышны звуки музыки.)

Pinocchio: I don`t know what to do. Shall I go to school or shall I go and listen to the music? Today I`ll listen to the music and tomorrow I`ll go to school. But how can I get money for a ticket? I`ll sell my new school-book and buy a ticket. (Появляется мальчик.) Boy! Come here.

Boy: What do you want?

Pinocchio: Buy my school-book, there are a lot of pictures in it.

Boy: (Разглядывает картинки) Oh, yes, there are a lot of pictures. Fine. (Отдает деньги за книгу)

Pinocchio: Thank you, boy (Подбегает к кассе) I want one ticket to the Puppet Theatre.

Girl: Let me see. I Have one seat in the boxes.

Pinocchio: What about the stalls?

Girl: Yes, I have a ticket for the stalls, too.

Scene 4

(Театр. Играет музыка. Пиноккио сидит в первом ряду.)

Harlequin: How do you do, my little spectators? I`m glad to see you in our theatre.

Punchinello: Good afternoon, children! Our theatre shows sad tragedies. But today you`ll see the comedy «The Girl with the Blue Hair». It`s a splendid show.

Harlequin: Yes, it really is a splendid show! Look, Punchinello, here`s Pinocchio! Come here, Pinocchio!

Punchinello: Oh, Pinocchio, come here (Пиноккио выскакивает на сцену.)

Pinocchio: My friends. I want to sing you a song. (Поет песню «What are little boys made of? »)

Showman: What is all that noise?

Pinocchio: I`m sorry, sir. Excuse me, please.

Showman: Continue the performance! We shall have a talk after the play. (После спектакля)

Showman: (показывая на Пиноккио) Harlequin, bring that puppet into my kitchen. I`ll put him on the fire and make a good dinner.

Pinocchio: Papa, oh, Papa come and save your Pinocchio! I don`t want to burn. I don`t want to burn in the fire.

Showman: Stop crying. What is your father`s name?

Pinocchio: Geppetto, sir.

Showman: Has he a lot of money?

Pinocchio: Oh, no, he is very poor. He has nothing besides an old picture on the wall.

Showman: Poor old man! I am sorry for him. Here are five gold pieces. Go and give them to him.

Pinocchio: Thank you very much, sir.

A carpenter finds a talking piece of wood and gives it to his poor neighbor, Geppetto, who carves the block into a marionette and names him Pinocchio. Pinocchio runs away as soon as he learns to walk. The marionette is caught by a Carabiniere, who assumes Pinocchio has been mistreated and imprisons Geppetto.

Pinocchio goes back to Geppetto’s house where he accidentally kills a talking cricket who had warned Pinocchio of the perils of disobedience and hedonism. That evening, Pinocchio falls asleep with his feet on the stove, and wakes to find that they have burned off. Geppetto is released from prison and makes Pinocchio a new pair of feet. In gratitude, Pinocchio promises to attend school, and Geppetto sells his only coat to buy him a school book.

On his way to school the next morning, Pinocchio encounters the Great Marionette Theatre, and he sells his school book in order to buy a ticket for the show. The marionettes on stage recognize him in the audience and call out to him, angering the puppet master Mangiafuoco. The puppet master initially decides to use Pinocchio as firewood but ultimately releases him and gives him five gold pieces to give to Geppetto.

As Pinocchio travels home to give the coins to his father, he meets a fox and a cat. The Cat pretends to be blind, and the Fox pretends to be lame. A white blackbird tries to warn Pinocchio of their lies, but the blackbird is eaten by the Cat, at which point the Fox states that the blackbird talked too much and had to be silenced. The two animals convince Pinocchio that if he plants his coins in the Field of Miracles outside the city of Catchfools, they will grow into a tree with gold coins. On the way to the field, they stop at an inn, where the Fox and the Cat gorge themselves on food at Pinocchio’s expense and ask to be awoken by midnight. Two hours before the set time, the pair abandon Pinocchio, leaving him to pay for the meal with one of his coins. They instruct the innkeeper to tell Pinocchio that they left after receiving a message stating that the Cat’s eldest kitten had fallen ill and that they would meet Pinocchio at the Field of Miracles in the morning.

They take off ahead of Pinocchio and disguise themselves as bandits while Pinocchio continues on toward Catchfools, despite warnings from the Ghost of the Talking Cricket that he had killed earlier. The disguised Fox and Cat ambush Pinocchio, but the puppet escapes to a white house after biting off the Cat’s paw. Upon knocking on the door, Pinocchio is greeted by a young fairy with turquoise hair who says she is dead and waiting for a hearse. Unfortunately, while Pinocchio is speaking with the Fairy, the bandits catch him and hang him in a tree. After a while, the Fox and Cat get tired of waiting for the puppet to suffocate, and they leave.

The Fairy has Pinocchio rescued by summoning a falcon to get him down and having her poodleservant Medoro pick him up in her stagecoach. The Fairy calls in three famous doctors to tell her whether Pinocchio is dead. Two of them, an owl and a crow, are unsure of Pinocchio’s status. The third doctor is the Ghost of the Talking Cricket, who says that the puppet is fine, but has been disobedient and hurt his father. The Fairy administers medicine to Pinocchio who consents to take it after four undertaker rabbits arrive to carry away his body. Recovered, Pinocchio lies to the Fairy when she asks what has happened to the gold coins, and his nose grows until it is so long that he cannot turn around in the room. The Fairy explains that Pinocchio’s lies are making his nose grow and calls in a flock of woodpeckers to chisel it down to size. The Fairy sends for Geppetto to come and live with them in the forest cottage.

When Pinocchio heads out to meet his father, he once again encounters the Fox and the Cat, who are no longer wearing their disguises. When Pinocchio notices the Cat’s missing paw with the right arm in a sling, the Fox claims that they had to sacrifice it to feed a hungry old wolf. They remind the puppet of the Field of Miracles, and finally, he agrees to go with them and plant his gold. After half a day’s journey, they reach the city of Catchfools, where every animal in town has done something exceedingly foolish and now suffers as a result. While traversing through Catchfools with the Fox and the Cat, Pinocchio sees that the streets are filled with hairless dogs yawning from hunger, sheared sheep trembling with cold, combless chickens begging for a grain of wheat, large butterflies unable to use their wings because they sold all their lovely colors, tailless peacocks ashamed to show themselves, and bedraggled pheasants scuttling away hurriedly and grieving for their bright feathers of gold and silver lost to them forever. Out of those paupers and beggars, Pinocchio also sees that there are beautiful coaches containing a fox, a hawk, and a vulture. Upon reaching the Field of Miracles, Pinocchio buries his coins and then leaves for the twenty minutes that it will take for his gold to grow into gold coin trees. After Pinocchio leaves, the Fox and the Cat dig up the coins and run away.

Once Pinocchio returns, he finds no trees and no gold coins and learns of the Fox and the Cat’s treachery from a parrot who mocks Pinocchio for falling for their tricks. Pinocchio rushes to the Catchfools courthouse where he reports the theft of the coins to a gorilla judge. Although he is moved by Pinocchio’s plea, the judge sentences Pinocchio to four months in prison for the crime of foolishness, and Pinocchio is locked up by the Mastiff Carabiniere. Fortunately, all criminals are released early by the jailers when the unseen young Emperor of Catchfools declares a celebration following his army’s victory over the town’s enemies. Upon being released, Pinocchio leaves Catchfools.

Pinocchio then heads back to the Fairy’s house in the forest, but he sneaks into a farmer’s yard to steal some grapes. He is caught in a weasel trap where he encounters a glowworm. The farmer finds Pinocchio and ties him up in the doghouse of his late watch dog Melampo to guard the chicken coop. When Pinocchio foils the chicken-stealing weasels, the farmer frees the puppet as a reward. Pinocchio finally comes to where the cottage was, finds nothing but a gravestone, and believes that the Fairy has died of sorrow.

A friendly pigeon sees Pinocchio mourning the Fairy’s death and offers to give him a ride to the seashore, where Geppetto is building a boat in which to search for Pinocchio. Pinocchio is washed ashore when he tries to swim to his father. Geppetto is then swallowed by The Terrible Dogfish. Pinocchio accepts a ride from a dolphin to the nearest island called the Island of Busy. Upon arriving on the Island of Busy, Pinocchio can only get food in return for labor. After some encounters with a coal man and a bricklayer, Pinocchio finally offers to carry a lady’s jug home in return for food and water. When they get to the lady’s house, Pinocchio recognizes the lady as the Fairy, now miraculously old enough to be his mother. She says she will act as his mother, and Pinocchio will begin going to school. She hints that if Pinocchio does well in school and tries his hardest to be good for one whole year, then he will become a real boy.

Pinocchio studies hard and rises to the top of his class, but this makes the other schoolboys jealous. The other boys trick Pinocchio into playing hookey by saying they saw a large sea monster at the beach, the same one that swallowed Geppetto. However, the boys were lying and a fight breaks out. One boy named Eugene is hit by Pinocchio’s school book, though Pinocchio did not throw it. Pinocchio is accused of injuring Eugene by two Carabinieres, but the puppet escapes. During his escape, Pinocchio saves a drowning Mastiff named Alidoro, a police dog who was chasing him. In exchange, Alidoro later saves Pinocchio from The Green Fisherman, who was going to eat the marionette, as Pinocchio returns home. After meeting the Snail that works for the Fairy, Pinocchio is given another chance by the Fairy.

Pinocchio does excellently in school and passes with high honors. The Fairy promises that Pinocchio will be a real boy the next day and says he should invite all his friends to a party. He goes to invite everyone, but he is sidetracked when he meets a boy nicknamed Candlewick who is about to go to a place called Toyland where everyone plays all day and never works. Pinocchio goes along with him when they are taken there by The Coachman, and they have a wonderful time for the next five months.

One morning in the fifth month, Pinocchio and Candlewick awake with donkeys’ ears. A Dormouse tells Pinocchio that boys who do nothing but play and never work always turn into donkeys while they are in Toyland. Soon both Pinocchio and Candlewick are fully transformed, and Pinocchio is sold to a circus by The Coachman. He is trained by the ringmaster to do tricks until he falls and sprains his leg. The ringmaster then sells Pinocchio to a man who wants to skin him and make a drum. The man throws the donkey into the sea to drown him. But when the man goes to retrieve the corpse, all he finds is a living marionette. Pinocchio explains that the fish ate all the donkey skin off him, and he is now a puppet again.

Pinocchio dives back into the water and swims out to sea. When the Terrible Dogfish appears, Pinocchio swims from it at the advice of the Fairy in the form of a little blue-furred goat from atop a high rock. Pinocchio does his best to outswim the Dogfish but is swallowed by it. Inside the Dogfish, Pinocchio sees a light from far off and follows it. At the other end is Geppetto who has been living on a ship inside the Dogfish. Pinocchio and Geppetto manage to escape the monster and search for a place to stay.

Pinocchio and Geppetto pass two beggars: the Fox and the Cat. The Cat has really become blind, and the Fox has really become lame and is also thin, is almost hairless, and has chopped off his tail to sell for food. The Fox and the Cat plead for food or money, but Pinocchio rebuffs them and tells them that their misfortunes have served them right for their wickedness. Geppetto and Pinocchio arrive at a small house, which is home to the Ghost of the Talking Cricket. The Talking Cricket says they can stay and reveals that he got his house from a little goat with turquoise hair. Pinocchio gets a job doing work for a farmer named Giangio and recognizes the farmer’s dying donkey as his friend Candlewick.

After long months of working for the farmer and supporting the ailing Geppetto, Pinocchio goes to town with the forty pennies he has saved to buy himself a new suit. He discovers that the Fairy is ill and needs money. Pinocchio instantly gives the Snail he met back on the Island of Busy all the money he has, promising that he will help his mother as much as he is helping his father. That night, he dreams that he is visited by the Fairy, who kisses him. When he wakes up, he is a real boy at last. His former puppet body lies lifeless on a chair. Furthermore, Pinocchio finds that the Fairy has left him a new suit, boots, and a bag in which he thinks are the forty pennies that he originally gave to her. Instead, the boy is shocked to find forty freshly-minted gold coins. Geppetto also returns to health and resumes woodcarving.

Карло Коллоди
Название: Приключения Пиноккио
Оригинальное название: The Adventures of Pinocchio
Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Классика, детская литература, учебная литература
Выпущено: Айрис-пресс

Описание: Книга из серии: Английский клуб/Elementary. Книга представляет собой адаптацию знаменитой сказки итальянского писателя Карло Коллоди "Приключения Пиноккио". Чтение этой великолепной книги о необыкновенных приключениях деревянного мальчика неизменно приносит радость детям и взрослым.Текст пособия адаптирован в учебных целях до уровня Elementary. Каждая глава дополнена упражнениями, направленными на проверку понимания текста, отработку лексики, развитие навыков устной речи. В конце книги помещен англо-русский словарь.Данный комплект дисков является звуковым приложением к адаптированной книге Карло Коллоди "Приключения Пиноккио" (на английском языке). Диски содержат текст книги (без упражнений), начитанный профессиональными дикторами в учебном темпе (с ясным произношением и немного медленнее по сравнению с естественным темпом речи). Запись может быть использована как для обучения аудированию (восприятию речи на слух), так и для прослушивания параллельно с чтением текста.

Carlo Collodi. The Adventures of Pinocchio

Carlo Collodi. The Adventures of Pinocchio.pdf

01 The Adventures of Pinocchio.mp3 329 КБ
02 Master Antonio Finds a Piece of_.mp3 3 МБ
03 Master Antonio Gives His Piece o.mp3 2 МБ
04 Geppetto Makes a Wooden Puppet.mp3 5 МБ
05 Pinocchio Walks about the Town.mp3 2 МБ
06 Pinocchio_s Feet Burn Away.mp3 3 МБ
07 Geppetto Sells His Coat and Buys.mp3 3 МБ
08 Pinocchio Goes to the Theatre.mp3 5 МБ
09 The Master of the Theatre Wants_.mp3 2 МБ
10 Pinocchio Saves His Friend Harle.mp3 4 МБ
11 The Showman Makes Pinocchio a Pr.mp3 3 МБ
12 Pinocchio Goes with the Fox and_.mp3 6 МБ
13 The House of the Red Crawfish.mp3 3 МБ
14 Pinocchio Meets Robbers.mp3 3 МБ
15 The Robbers Run after Pinocchio.mp3 3 МБ
16 The Beautiful Child with the Blu.mp3 2 МБ
17 Pinocchio Eats Sugar and Takes M.mp3 1 МБ
18 Pinocchio_s Nose Grows.mp3 3 МБ
19 Pinocchio Meets the Fox And the_.mp3 3 МБ
20 Pinocchio Goes with the Fox and_.mp3 7 МБ
21 A Bird Tells Pinocchio That the_.mp3 2 МБ
22 Pinocchio Falls into a Trap.mp3 2 МБ
23 A Farmer Finds Pinocchio and Mak.mp3 3 МБ
24 Pinocchio Does Not Find the Hous.mp3 2 МБ
25 Pinocchio Meets the Parrot, Who_.mp3 4 МБ
26 Pinocchio Comes to an Island and.mp3 7 МБ
27 The Girl Is the Fairy_ Pinocchio.mp3 3 МБ
28 Pinocchio Goes with His Schoolma.mp3 3 МБ
29 Pinocchio Fights with His School.mp3 2 МБ
30 Pinocchio Saves the Dog Alidoro.mp3 3 МБ
31 A Fisherman Catches Pinocchio in.mp3 3 МБ
32 Alidoro Saves Pinocchio.mp3 2 МБ (2044456)
33 Pinocchio_s Nose Grows Again.mp3 2 МБ
34 Pinocchio Goes Back to the Fairy.mp3 5 МБ
35 Pinocchio Goes with His Friend C.mp3 4 МБ
36 Pinocchio in Boobie-land.mp3 2 МБ
37 Pinocchio Becomes a Little Donke.mp3 3 МБ
38 Pinocchio Begins to Bray Like a_.mp3 6 МБ
39 Pinocchio Dances in the Circus.mp3 5 МБ
40 Pinocchio Becomes a Puppet Again.mp3 8 МБ
41 Now You Will Know Everything.mp3 4 МБ
42 Pinocchio Becomes a Boy at Last.mp3 5 МБ

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Аудио: MP3, 160 Кбит/с, стерео
Размер: 165 MБ
Продолжительность: 02:03:49
Язык: Русский, английский

Master Antonio finds a piece of wood.
All fairy-tales begin with the words: “Once upon a time there was…” This story also begins with the words: “Once upon a time there was a…”
“A king,” my little readers will say. No, children, not a king! Once upon a time there was a piece of wood!
I can`t say where the old man found this piece of wood, but it was in his room when our story began. The old man`s name Master Antonio.
Master Antonio wanted to make a new leg for his table. He took his axe and began to cut the piece of wood with the axe. Suddenly he heard a very small voice: “Do not hit me so hard!”
Master Antonio looked round the room. There was nobody there. He looked under the table - nobody. He looked under the bed - nobody. He opened the door of his room and looked into the street - there was nobody in the street. Again he took the axe and began to work with it.
“Oh! Oh! Don`t hit me, stop hitting me!” cried the same voice.
Master Antonio opened his mouth, he did not know what to do or what to say.

Master Antonio gives his piece of wood to his friend Geppetto.
At that moment his friend Geppetto came in. “Good afternoon, Master Antonio,” said Geppetto. “What do you want to make with that piece of wood?”
“A new leg for my table. What brought you to me?”
“My legs,” said Geppetto. “Master Antonio, I came to ask something of you.”
“I`m ready to help you!” answered Antonio.
“Will you give me a piece of wood? I want to make a nice wooden puppet. It must know how to dance and jump like an acrobat. I`ll go from one town to another and show my puppet to the people. They will give me money to buy bread and milk.”
“What do you think of my plan?”
Master Antonio was a kind old man. “Take this piece of wood,” he said to Geppetto, and gave it to him. Geppetto thanked Master Antonio and went home with the piece of wood.

Geppetto makes a wooden puppet.
Geppetto lived in a small room. There were not many things in it. He had only one chair, a bed and an old table.
He put the piece of wood on the table, then he took a knife and began to make his puppet.
“What name shall I give him?” he said. “I think I`ll give him the name of Pinocchio. It is a very nice name.”
At first Geppetto made the puppet`s hair. Then he made his head and then his eyes.
When the eyes were ready, they looked at Geppetto. Then he began to make the nose. Suddenly the nose began to grow. And it grew, and grew, and grew. It became a very, very long nose. He cut the nose off, but it grew again. He cut it off again, and it grew again.
“This puppet wants a long nose,” he said. Then he began to make the mouth. When the puppet`s mouth was ready, it began to laugh at him.
“Stop it!” said Geppetto. But the mouth laughed and laughed. “Stop it, I say!” cried Geppetto. The mouth stopped laughing, but the puppet put out tongue. The tongue was very long.
Geppetto worked and worked. When the face was ready, he made the body, then the arms and the hands.
Suddenly somebody took Geppetto`s cap off his head. He looked round and what did he see? He saw his cap on the puppet`s head.
“Pinocchio! Give me back my cap, do you hear?” But the cap was on Pinocchio`s head, and he didn`t want to give it back to his father Geppetto.
Geppetto was very angry with him, but he could do nothing. So he began to make the puppet`s legs.

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